The interface that makes everything more immediate

DF PANEL: technology made easy

Developed in collaboration with a team of dental technicians and web designers, DF Panel is the interface that contains all the necessary features for any type of processing. By connecting to the “My Dental Four” portal , it is possible, from any connected device, to check the progress of the work, perform automatic backups, check software updates or request assistance.

In addition, DF Panel simplifies the use of complex functions that are only possible with Dental Four machines, such as the Stop&Go and Restore Line functions.

Assisted Maintenance
Through simple messages, the DF Pannel guides the operator through all routine maintenance operations.

Stop & Go
The function allows you to save and stop any machining at any time. This allows you to interrupt a machining process and then resume it, after checking it on the bench or after performing different machining on different supports.

Restore line
DF Panel saves the exact machining point every 10 seconds, allowing milling to resume after accidental interruptions, losing only 10 seconds of machining time.